Saturday, 15 October 2011

CraftingChaos begins...

Welcome to my first ever blog post! I thought that as I hadn't got enough to do what with a full time job, shop on etsy, 2 beautiful daughters, a long suffering partner and 5 cats, I'd add another thing to my daily list!

I try and sneak crafting in around my daughters, it can be difficult with Molly who's 18 months old and wants to eat all my sewing needles. Everytime she has a nap my tray of scissors, needles and glue can come out but the minute she's back up I have to hide it away from her chubby little paws!

At the moment I'm trying to finish a set of gingerbread men felt Christmas decorations, a felt rose pomander and some heart bunting. I've added photos of brooches I have made in the past, I love needle felting, and a wreath and mixed media art work.

I'm intending to post tutorials, giveaways and share my love of fabric with everyone... lets hope the children let me :)

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